
AROUND TOWN: GourmetGlam

May 11th, 2015 at 2:10am

Aside from observing students’ outfits on my campus, fashion blogs are my go-to for keeping up with new trends and looking for style inspiration. Lucky for me, one blogger I follow is right on my own campus. Lauren Riegel created her blog appropriately named GourmetGlam for its mix of fashion and mouth-watering meals. I had the chance to chat with her to find out more about her personal style and what it really takes to gain and maintain her huge following.

Name: Lauren Riegel

Position: Founder of the blog, GourmetGlam

CollegeFashionista: What made you decide to start your own fashion blog?

Lauren Riegel: When I was applying for fashion internships last summer, I noticed that the majority of applications asked for a portfolio or blog. Since I didn’t have a portfolio or blog at the time, I felt like I was at a major disadvantage before I even sent in my application. I had already followed a ton of fashion blogs, so beginning a fashion blog seemed like an interesting step for me to take.

CF: Where do you get your style inspiration?

LR: I don’t have one specific go-to place for my style inspiration. I find inspiration while walking on campus and seeing students’ unique outfits. I check my favorite clothing websites regularly to ensure that I’m keeping up with the latest trends. In addition, I follow fashion blogs such as Chiara Ferragni and WeWoreWhat.

CF: How would you describe your personal style?

LR: My personal style mixes comfort with streetwear. Comfort is key for me. It’s always evident on my face when clothing causes me discomfort and no one wants to see a well-dressed girl looking unhappy. I’m beginning to like the minimalist trend but can’t fully commit to it just yet because I’m not ready to give up my printed clothing.

CF: What advice would you give someone looking to start their own fashion blog?

 LR: If someone is looking to start his or her own fashion blog, I would tell her that it’s a lot more work than it appears to be. Getting a following on social media doesn’t happen overnight. In addition, image quality is key! No one wants to look at a boring or blurry photo.

CF: What are your favorite current trends?

LR: My favorite current trends are suede, lace and head to toe white. I’ve been seeing suede button-up skirts everywhere lately and I love them. Speaking of which, I need to get myself one!

Learn More: Check out Lauren’s blog and Instagram to get inspired by her laid back style.
