Being a college student is expensive. Not only is there the obvious tuition, groceries and books, but activities like Greek life, student organizations and clubs have fees too! The whole point of this college thing is to get a job right? But who has money for professional attire required for the interviews, career fairs, presentations and conferences we go to in order to get that job? I mean, even a nice dress shirt may be out of a college student’s budget, but making a good impression is something we can’t afford to compromise on. That’s where First Impressions comes to the rescue. Not only do they help find the perfect professional outfit for an event, but it’s free! And I think everyone has room in their budget for free.
Name: Alyssa Bowman
Role: Store Manager
College Fashionista: When did First Impressions open?
Alyssa Bowman: First Impressions started as a branch of Career Services here at Central. This is our third semester. We started in March almost a year ago!
CF: What kind of students do you try to help?
AB: Everyone. Our focus is students facing a new phase in their life where they have internships and new opportunities coming their way. At first, I assumed we’d get mostly business students who were getting ready to apply for jobs and who needed professional attire, but we have helped hundreds of students from almost every major and year of school.
CF: How do students get clothing from First Impressions?
AB: There is a simple application on our website. We just ask that they tell us the event they need the clothing for and why. Then we schedule a half hour appointment when myself or a sales associate will help them find clothes that fit and work for their specific event!
CF: What’s your favorite part about being the store manager at First Impressions?
AB: That’s so hard! I started as a sales associate where the focus was more on appointments. That’s still relevant, but now I get to be involved in everything else too, like inventory and setting up events. I also love seeing current sales associates grow and interact when they help their peers find that perfect outfit!
Learn More: Visit the First Impressions store in the Bovee University Center on campus or make an appointment at their website.