
AROUND TOWN: Dress and Express

May 6th, 2015 at 2:10am

Fashion is a universal language that is understood by everyone around the world. Whether you’re revamping some thrifted finds or rocking the latest Marc Jacobs pantsuit, what you wear speaks a lot to who you are, and that is something Dress and Express fashion blogger Kaitlynn Douglas believes in.

Name: Kaitlynn Douglas

Role: Blogger at Dress and Express

CollegeFashionista: Can you tell us about your fashion blog and what inspired you to start it?

Kaitlynn Douglas: My blog is called Dress and Express. I believe that clothing is a way of communicating with others without having to actually verbalize anything. I created Dress and Express in the hopes of inspiring people to dress like who they are and be comfortable with it.

 CF: What do you love most about being a fashion blogger?

 KD: I love the whole process of it. I like putting together an outfit, finding the perfect location to have a photo shoot, editing and writing the content. The whole process of putting together a post is so much fun for me, to the point where I enjoy it more than actually studying for my classes. I have to control myself and hold off on working on my blog post because school comes first.

CF: How would you describe your own personal style?

KD: I would describe it as versatile. One day I’ll be really girly, wearing floral and prints, and the next day you’ll see me rocking an all-black grunge outfit. I use clothing more as an experiment, a way to mix and match and try new things. I don’t think I’m one set style.

CF: What are some tips you have for anyone wanting to start their own fashion blog?

KD: Doing your research is something that is definitely important as a fashion blogger besides being very well organized. Not only that, but stay true to who you are and what you want to see. Don’t try and copy anyone’s style because being original is what is going to truly capture others’ attention.

Learn More: Whether she’s blogging about favorite fashion trends, social events or outfit posts, Dress and Express is there to inspire and enhance her follower’s world of fashion. Make sure to follow Kaitlynn’s fashion journey at Dressandexpress.com
