
AROUND TOWN: Brittaney Lynch

May 11th, 2015 at 2:00am

Being the leader of one of the largest female dominated media publications is an awesome role to have, especially at UMass Amherst that is home to approximately 26,000 students! Current chapter President, Brittaney Lynch, talks all about Her Campus and how fashion plays a role in the organization and her personal style.

Name: Brittaney Lynch

Role: Her Campus UMass President (2014-2015)

College Fashionista: What is Her Campus UMass?

Brittaney Lynch: Her Campus UMass is the Her Campus affiliated chapter at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The chapter currently has 70 plus members who contribute blog posts and/or photographs to our online publication on a biweekly basis. Members provide articles on topics ranging from career tips to school news to life and love advice. Our website reaches an average of 25,000 users per week! We also host events throughout the school year to provide students with fun activities that often involve team bonding and networking.

CF: How does fashion play a role in this organization?

BL: Fashion and beauty are a huge part of our publication! Our members write about topics of their choice, and we have plenty of members who enjoy writing about fashion. Some of our most successful posts have included “Cute Concert Outfit Ideas for Any Collegiette” and “7 Perfect Outfit Ideas for Thanksgiving Break.” We have also published a few tutorials and have recently incorporated multimedia into our fashion representation. In the fall, our multimedia team shot a mini fashion show at the university store of our members showcasing clothing items and cute outfits for homecoming weekend! UMass Amherst is an incredibly diverse university, so we also enjoy featuring outfits and different styles on our Instagram page as well as on our website’s Snapshot section. Our talented photographers work hard to capture the best of UMass and its students in picture form.

CF: What things do you keep in mind when getting dressed for a day of class/work or leading Her Campus?

BL: I believe that first impressions are incredibly important. I never know who I am going to meet at my internship or during a Her Campus event. Being a generally busy person who is often running from one place to the next, I like to keep in mind that my day can take an unexpected turn, so it is good to always be prepared. This means looking your best, and even when you don’t, it is essential to still be confident. If someone is so captured by your personality and your self-assurance, then the measly 10 minutes that you put into your outfit that morning becomes completely forgettable or unnoticeable! I definitely understand that it’s tough to maintain a good, put-together look being a college student. I find on days that I integrate my favorite pieces that show my personal style—my white Keds or my black bow headwrap—I feel the most comfortable!

Learn More: Her Campus UMass has plenty social media accounts to follow, so keep up will all of the happenings through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
