Bridget Brown, a fashion design student at Columbia College Chicago, has ambitious dreams of becoming a fashion designer. She gets inspiration daily by her surroundings and transforms them into fashion in her mind. She has always been passionate about building and creating fashion designs so it only seemed natural to choose fashion design as her major.
Name: Bridget Brown
Role: Student Designer
CollegeFashionista: What kinds of classes are you taking?
Bridget Brown: I am taking a lot of studio courses at Columbia which are usually around four hours each. I am taking a textile surface embellishing class that teaches many very cool quilting and surface techniques.
CF: What are you looking forward to most as being a fashion designer?
BB: I am looking forward to expanding my design skills and making many unique articles of clothing and accessories that I am very passionate about that will make popular debuts in fashion shows and fashion magazines across the country.
CF: Describe your style.
BB: I would describe my style as fun and sophisticated. Some of my favorite designers are Marchesa and Chanel. I am very inspired by high fashion models, Pinterest and editorial ads.
CF: Are there any side projects that you are working on?
BB: I am always working on something, such as different articles of clothes for my collection. I just finished designing a handbag.
Learn More: Be sure to look out for models strutting her clothes on the runway after she graduates! This Fashionista will undoubtedly be making a name for herself soon.