AROUND TOWN: Brad Schultz Design

January 21st, 2015 at 2:10am

When you think of Gainesville, it’s true that the first thing you think of probably isn’t fashion. In fact, football would most likely come to most people’s minds sooner than style would. Despite this, there is still a thriving fashion community in Gainesville that many people don’t believe exists. I’ll admit, when I first came to Gainesville I also wondered how that could be possible—but when you talk to people on campus, it’s only a matter of time before you learn of someone who’s interested in fashion journalism, fashion PR or even design. I was so thrilled when I connected with Brad Schultz on social media because the idea of a designer in the Gainesville area is so very exciting. And expanding my circle of fashion people in Gainesville? Always good in my book. I was even more excited about connecting with Brad once I learned about his business and saw his beautiful designs.

Name: Brad Schultz

Role: Custom Clothier/Fashion Designer

CollegeFashionista: How did you get to where you are in the fashion world? 

Brad Schultz: I began professionally as a costume designer, creating unique, dramatic pieces for event performers, which taught me to be creative in my construction and approach. Throughout that time I received many requests to create custom apparel from women that were struggling to find ready-to-wear garments that fit and suited their body. I created Brad Schultz Design in response to that need and began designing for ‘real women,’ as opposed to characters.

CF: How would you describe your sense of style?

BS: My personal style is tailored and trendy with a twist. I love the tailored silhouette of a fitted blazer or the crispness of a button-down, but layered with trendier, more unique, pieces, such as a leather shoulder harness, feather bow tie or unique jewelry.

CF: What’s the biggest challenge about loving/working in fashion in a city that isn’t always so fashion forward?

BS: Fashion is quickly, and easily, judged by people that do not share the same love for it.  In a college town where “frat” and “prep” styles are so typical, it’s not always easy to do something different or bold, and be well received.

CF: What’s one fashion lesson you wished you had learned sooner? 

BS: Dress for yourself. Wear what makes you happy. Take risks. Have fun! 

Learn More: To follow Brad’s designs and business, check out his Facebook page.
