AROUND TOWN: Barbara Gonzalez

February 17th, 2015 at 2:00am

Many girls grow up hoping to work for a lifestyle or fashion magazine. Movies, TV shows and books make the job look very glamorous with photo shoots and cocktail parties. In reality, working in fashion editorial is a lot of work. Something else that is a lot of work is getting your foot in the door enough to land a job there in the first place. Barbara Gonzalez, a senior at the University of Wisconsin studying Journalism with a minor in Chicano and Latino studies, has spent the last four years writing for a variety of online publications and campus magazines. Her hard work paid off when she landed a summer internship at Seventeen and, this past winter, a fashion and beauty internship at

Name: Barbara Gonzalez

Role: Social editor for MODA magazine, contributing writer for Her Campus national, former Seventeen magazine and intern

CollegeFashionista: Describe your personal style.

Barbara Gonzalez: My go-to style is feminine but simple. I adore pink and florals, but I always balance it out with more neutral tones. Being away at school in the Midwest for almost four years now has definitely relaxed my personal style.

CF: How does your personal style change in the workplace?

BG: I tend to go back to my stricter Fashionista roots when I’m in the workplace. In the magazine industry, the dress code is usually pretty chill in the office, but as an intern you always want to make a good impression on the editors. Even on days that I want to be a bit more relaxed, I’ll opt for a black skinny pant instead of jeans for a classier look.

CF: How can students get experience with the fashion industry on campus?

BG: Being in a city like Madison, Wisconsin can be really frustrating for students interested in breaking into the fashion industry. The way that I got involved in the fashion industry was by writing for MODA, the fashion and lifestyle magazine on UW-Madison campus. I gained a bunch of relevant experience, whether it was writing fashion pieces for the magazine or helping out behind the scenes at photo shoots.

CF: What is your advice for other students hoping to work in fashion editorial?

BG: Never be afraid to dream too big and remember that when one door shuts, there’s a whole world of doors opening for you right at that second. Do your research, Google different editors and writers you admire. Look up how they broke into the industry and see how you can emulate them. Don’t waste time being discouraged, get out there and do things that are going to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

Learn More: Check out the work Barbara has done for the publications that helped her land her big time internships, Her Campus and MODA.
