Changes: Introducing our April Mood Board

April 2nd, 2018 at 2:00am

April is finally here. And while some places are still experiencing weather that feels more like an extended April Fools’ prank, this month promises to fully welcome the beauty, weather, and overall changes that marks this month. Spring after all is a season of rebirth. The flowers bloom. The sun shines. Everyone from the birds to bears to anyone living in the northern half of the country come out of hibernation. After months marked by bitter weather and gray skies, it’s hard not to look forward to spring.

As the season continues to unveil itself fully this month, we invite you to blossom as well. This April, we are all change and evolution. We’re not saying to totally overhaul yourself (because, newsflash, you’re already pretty darn awesome). But with the end of the semester and graduation looming, big changes are on the horizon. Instead of freaking out, embrace these moments to turn all those dreams and little “somedays” into “todas.” Explore a new activity. Shed your fear and bust out of your proverbial shell. Make plans for the future. Grow and blossom.

Change can be intimidating and exciting all at the same time. But it’s always easier when you have a support system on your side. Let us be your cheerleader. Throughout the month, we will be posting our favorite images to encourage you to embrace the change. Be sure to check out CF on Instagram to get a glimpse into how our community is evolving this month and to snap up our April moodboard backgrounds to help inspire you wherever you go.
