
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Who Said No to Mixing Prints?

June 24th, 2015 at 2:00am

Mixing prints can be a little tricky…its true… but if done right anyone can pull them off. Mixing bold prints can be a little risky but that is more for more expert Fashionistas. Today I will focus on a very easy way to start mixing prints and patterns for those who are starting to be bold and mix patterns.

Let’s dissect and examine the next outfit to understand it better. She is wearing a shirt and shorts but she decided to mix diamond-like patterns with different colors and black shorts with white stripes. She also added a necklace, earrings, sandals and a black purse with details.

The reason why this outfit works, even though she is mixing patterns and accessories, is because it is subtle and relevant. The top patterns mix in well with the shorts because the center piece of her outfit is her shirt, and everything else complemented her top. The bottoms are black with very subtle horizontal lines which follow the shape of the diamond print on her shirt. Her statement necklace has small blue rocks that match the blue in her outfit. And her sandals and purse match the bohemian-chic vibe that she has going on. She completes her look with a very chic pixie cut and natural makeup with earthy brown lipstick.

Not only did she do a great job in mixing patterns but she also played with her proportions. By having the top part of her blouse one color and the bottom with multiple colors, the eye is attracted to the bottom and it slims her top half torso. And with the horizontal lines the eye gets tricked to thinking the body is slimmer and longer.

Because she is an older Fashionista she understand that coverage is better. She decides to wear long sleeves and cover up her goods with a just right short length to present herself as an edgy/bohemian desert Fashionista!

How To: The trick to mixing patterns is to keep them somewhat balanced, with one bold and one more subtle. Try it, because sometimes doing it and risking it is the only way to really learn! Wear it with confidence and it will look awesome

