
ALL IN THE DETAILS: When In Doubt, Accessorize

March 5th, 2015 at 2:00am

This Fashionisto did not wear anything flashy. However, he made this outfit his own. He made it unique to his personal style with the little things he wore, such as his shoes, scarf, hat and the way he rolled up his pants to show off his funky socks and platform shoes.

I loved the patterned oversized scarf, which gave the outfit some texture and set the overall tone of the look. The minute styling details were also impressive. He smartly rolled up his pants to show off his polka-dot socks that matched his scarf and pants. He integrated each item in a subtle way, avoiding any clutter in the look.

He also pulls off some trends really well, like wearing platform shoes, a black hat and an oversized scarf. Scarves have always been in style and always will be, as they are a winter staple that is both stylish and warm. Platform shoes have also made their way in as a huge trend this year, and same with hats. Accessorizing itself has been a growing trend, especially with hats similar to the one this Fashionisto is wearing.

How To: Ready to pull this look off yourself? Simply grab an oversized scarf, a small black hat and platform shoes. Style them together in a way that suits you best, just like how this Fashionisto rolled his pants to allow his socks to peek through. Also, when styling the way he did with the socks, make sure to wear socks that will match other parts of the outfit like what he did with the red matching the pants. Wearing different colored or obnoxious socks may make the outfit look a bit tacky.
