
ALL IN THE DETAILS: What Does The Faux Say?

January 20th, 2015 at 2:00am

Simply put, it’s freezing outside. I don’t just mean it’s “throw on your heaviest winter coat” type of weather. It is a skin penetrating, face numbing, “I am never getting out of bed EVER again” bitter cold day. Somehow I was able to convince this model to slip out of her comfortable wool coat for two minutes to pose for me! Luckily for the fashion world, this is where the fur vest comes to the rescue. Evidently, it is a winter must-have if you have any desire to emerge from these sub-zero temperatures alive and well.

The faux fur vest is a great addition to this outfit for several reasons. This Fashionista rocks funky patterned jeans with a turtleneck sweater and tops it off with the white faux vest. Close your eyes (or don’t) and imagine the outfit without the vest for a second. Is it still cute? Sure. But, as Karl Lagerfeld once said, “You cannot fake chic, but you can be chic and fake fur.” This outfit is très chic if you ask me, and I heart it. Additionally, the white color brings emphasis to the white stitching on her jeans, tying the whole outfit together perfectly.

How To: I don’t know about you, but after photographing this Fashionista, I’m going out to buy a new vest for myself. You can do the same by sporting any pair of jeans and a sweater with mid-calf boots. Complete the ensemble with a fur or faux fur vest and voila! You have got the whole look down pat. Don’t say I never gave you anything…Stay warm readers!
