

September 29th, 2015 at 2:00am

Summer is ending and fall is just arriving—can you believe it?

Summer just went by too fast and this is my roommate’s favorite season who happens to be my Fashionisto for this post.

Since the weather here is about eighty degrees, Eudy’s outfit gives off a summer vibe. Pairing his bright khaki pants and a button-down shirt, the sleeves can be either rolled up or kept down and then you can unbutton the shirt and have a T-shirt under to layer.

You can put his outfit together in so many ways. Combining vibrant colors with dark colors always gives us all a warm feeling. This outfit is also exceptional because button-downs never go out of style, they were probably once a fad, but now they are just such a big hit. Khakis have also always been very popular for work clothes but you could also dress them up, as they are dressed up above. Khakis and button-downs can also be paired in many different ways or in different outfits. It can either correspond with the season or be perfect for any occasion you are going for. The outfit cleans up nice although the sleeves are rolled up, it’s supposed to give off some casualty. This way, if you are going somewhere and don’t know what to wear, you can dress it up and have it be casual at the same time.

How To: Don’t know what to wear with a button-down casually? Pair it with either a good pair of jeans, some khakis as above which makes it semi casual and semi dressy, or with your best pair of skinny jeans. We could just keep the style going.
