
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Shapes, Style and Sleekness

July 4th, 2016 at 2:00am

Style: taking the simple and making it extraordinary. No matter what accessories you are working with, it is possible to make them stylish by changing the details of how they are curated. This may consist of wearing two necklaces, having a strangely placed bow, implementing a brooch or tucking in one side of your button down to create asymmetry.

This Fashionista’s outfit is extraordinary, as there are odd shapes throughout it. She has a cylindrical cuff, round hair clip and a Y-shaped necklace. There is also a distinct pairing of four shades of blue in her outfit which radiates creativity. Combining different hues can make or break an outfit, which is why details are a key component to consider. In order to decide if you like certain colors for an outfit, look at them together in an upside-down picture. This will show you how the aesthetic of the look transfers without taking away the attention of what the items are.

How To: My suggestion to pull off this look is to start off by finding a color that looks great with your hair. I have red hair so I love wearing different shades of green. Blondes always look fantastic in pink and brunettes look great in maroon. With close attention to detail when pairing these shades, choose pieces with different patterns and shapes so it translates that they are paired on purpose.  As Karl Lagerfeld said himself: “Trendy is the last stage before tacky.” To make ordinary outfits more stylish I suggest wearing a random shaped hair clip, tube socks with sandals, one earring, a knot in the front of your T-shirt or perhaps a bandana as an anklet.
