
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Printed Matter

January 1st, 2016 at 2:10am

Prints and patterns are a very interesting aspect of fashion. They can highlight a whole look or inversely act as a distraction. Prints need to be considered carefully, but when effectively executed they can make a statement. A few aspects that need to be considered with prints are certainly color, texture and spacing. Multiple prints are difficult to pair without looking too over the top.

This Fashionista utilizes neutral colors to enhance her printed scarf, making it a clear statement piece. The all-black ensemble paired with nude platform shoes fits appropriately in with the neutral trend, perfect for the fall. The black base for her look sets the tone and her shoes complement the colors on the scarf. The oversized blanket scarf has become a necessity for the fall as it can be styled in many ways, this being one. This type of scarf often can be wrapped around like a shawl, worn like actual scarf and even as a head scarf, reflecting its versatility making it equally functional and stylish.

Complete and highlight any look with a bold pattern. The large scarves can make statements with assortments of prints ranging from floral to jacquard alternatives. If you’re not feeling as bold, geometric or plain alternatives would suffice being able to still get the most out of your prime accessory.

How To: You can make an accessory a statement piece for a look, as opposed to an article of clothing. Pair the colors of the look accordingly so they complement the accessory. Plain and neutral tones are a good base, if the accessory stands out.
