
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Prep Up Your Scarf

January 21st, 2015 at 2:00am

Scarves are the most important accessory for the cold weather. Not only did I say it, but British Vogue clarified it as well. What I really love about this Fashionista’s outfit was how the scarf gave it an autumn touch. I feel that I didn’t get to experience autumn. It just swept past us this year. Unfortunately, it rained most of the time here in NYC. However, when I saw this Fashionista’s scarf, my love for fall rekindled. I was so happy to see the spirit of autumn in winter weather.

This Fashionista also captures the preppy tomboy style with Vansglasses and the Herschel backpack. Lizzie Garrett Mettler taught me that there are seven archetypes of the tomboy style: the sophisticate, the prep, the naturalist, the girl next door, the jock, the adventuress and the rebel. Reading her book helped me realize that there is a touch of the tomboy style in all of us. This Fashionista also helped me remember that.

I always love the way accessories make a statement on a simple outfit and how it complements it. When one wears a simple outfit, you really learn what type of person they are by the way they style it. This Fashionista proved to everyone around her who she was and I don’t even think she knows it.

Here is a beautiful collection of printed scarves that have some autumn tones but you can still pull off in the winter. The scarves give a nice touch of coziness and make the outfit fun. As Fashion Features Editor of Vogue.com.uk, Jessica Bumpus, stated, “Put simply, let your scarf do the style talking.”

How To: Have a great plain sweater, hoodie or button-down shirt? Pair it with a printed scarf! It gives the outfit a fun little twist. While you’re at it, figure out what kind of tomboy you are.


  • Caroline Dilone

    Hi there! My name is Caroline Dilone, I attend The New School in New York City. I dream of traveling and going on road trips. I love old classic movies and collect records. Be sure to check out my posts!