
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Plaid-spiration

January 21st, 2016 at 2:00am

As we enter the New Year, we Minnesotans are feeling a little confused. Do we do a happy dance that we are on the cusp of 2016 and we have barely seen temperatures drop under 30 degrees and just experienced our first real snowfall? Do we feel somewhat cheated of an entire month of winter style in our ever so faithful state of snow?

Regardless of this December’s confused state of mind one thing remains the same: its Minnesota and its cold! If there is one thing that we love as a cold state, it is our big… and when I say big, I mean MASSIVE…sweaters. We love any reason to layer upon layer; whether it’s a sweater, turtleneck or a scarf.

We have seen a trend in plaid scarves, and don’t get me wrong, I am totally riding the plaid trend train, but I am in love with this Fashionista’s take on plaid. Here in Minnesota, we are constantly faced with the battle of being warm and trendy at the same time.  This Fashionista color-blocked her outfit with black pants a black turtleneck and oversized “greige” sweater that allowed her to use her plaid purse as a pop of color and as a seamless detail piece.

How To: The great thing about this outfit is that all you need to complete it is the purse to complement your current closets inventory of basic pieces. I am a firm believer in less is more when it comes to fashion, and this Fashionista nailed it by using her purse as a pivotal component of her outfit.
