It can be a struggle to maintain your style during the months when you spend a majority of your time in a winter coat. One way to spice up your wardrobe is to pick a jacket in a fun pattern. This Fashionista’s plaid coat was the perfect stylish piece for winter months.
This Fashionista clearly doesn’t want to let the cold stifle her style. She wore a plaid coat to keep her warm. Luckily it also kept her looking stylish. Plaid is one of my favorite prints. It goes well with everything. If gives off a classical, sophisticated feeling, but is also fresh and fun. On long and cold days, a jacket is a necessity. With a perfectly plaid one, it can become a part of the outfit, just like this Fashionista made it. This particular style can be dressy or casual, depending on what you pair it with. Of course, plaid can be incorporated into your wardrobe in many ways. Plaid skirts, shirts or socks are great pieces to have. A plaid coat is a great idea for those chilly winter days.
For this Fashionista, her plaid coat became the focus of her outfit. She wore a simple pair of black leggings, making her longer jacket seem almost like a dress. Booties are big this year and they completed her outfit. They are perfect for walking through the snow.
No matter how you incorporate it into your life, plaid is the perfect print. You’ll love wearing it and it will look great with anything. Try out a plaid coat, just like this Fashionista, and you’ll be set!
How To: Want to look stylish while your walking to class on a cold day? Just find a jacket with a great plaid print. You’ll add a fun and more colorful edge to your outfit. Pair it with jeans and a pair of boots and you’ll be set for the season.