
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Mix Those Prints

May 4th, 2015 at 2:00am

When it comes to prints, everyone has an opinion! On one side, you have those that think you shouldn’t mix any prints whatsoever, and you will never convince them otherwise. On the other side, you have a group that absolutely loves the fashion expression of mixing all kinds of prints and colors. For me, I think it depends on the type of print, the lines, colors and patterns. Some prints welcome a blend, and others are not designed to combine with anything other than solids. This Fashionista definitely figured out just the right blend of prints!

Take a look at the detail of this Fashionista’s style. She is mixing prints, patterns and colors, and the overall look is amazing. The first thing that catches the eye is the overall color match between the top and bottom. Even though she is mixing prints, she is doing it using the same color palette, and this brings the entire outfit together. Hues of purple, soft pastels and brighter pinks are coordinated throughout. The maxi skirt and cropped top complement each other in a very bold and beautiful way.

The top of this outfit was designed and made by the Fashionista. She matched the color of the skirt with the roping of the top, and attached each strand of rope to create the cropped top. The patterns of entire ensemble mix and blend to create an outfit that was definitely noticed on campus.

How To: Nervous to wear and blend different prints? Don’t even think twice about it! As long as you have a recurring color palette, your look will be amazing. Now, go be bold and confident, and rock those mixed prints!
