

January 22nd, 2015 at 2:00am

The temperature is below freezing, there are those weird patches of ice on the ground and you have to brave the cold for your morning class that just so happens to be a 15 minute walk from your dorm room. You wake up, get ready, head to one of the dinning halls for breakfast, maybe do a little bit of reading in the library and you realize that you have lost track of time. Your phone is dead, there’s no clock around you and you are panicking because you can’t be late to class, especially not to the one where the professor actually takes attendance. So what’s a Fashionista to do? The answer to that question is quite simple. Help avoid this and keep track of time with a very important accessory: a watch. Scheduling your day and being on time will allow you to manage your time efficiently. Showing up to those first few classes on time will definitely help to kick start a productive day.

I managed to catch this well prepared and time conscious Fashionista as she was breaking for lunch right outside of Commons. She wears her stylish black jacket, which offers her a bit of protection from the cold, a blue sweater, a cozy maroon colored scarf and shoes to match. But what keeps her on time and on schedule is what she wears on her wrist. Here is a watch similar to the one this Fashionista wears, a sleek black watch  and a twisted bracelet style watch.

How To:  Adding a watch to your list of accessories is a must! Often, there are situations where pulling out your phone or continuously checking the wall clock behind you to see the time is completely inappropriate. A casual glance down at your watch can help you tell how much longer you have until class lets out. And while there are a lot of styles to sort through, I would start by getting something simple that you would be able to wear no matter the outfit or the time of day. You can always layer bracelets on either side of your watch to create a more unique look.
