We can all say it loud and proudly: summer is finally here! The warm breezy mornings that sweep the streets of New York City, the afternoon heat that touches down on you and even those chilly nights walking on the beach with friends can be exciting. Whatever time of the day you prefer, it is finally here and we can all enjoy it. The best part of summer, in my opinion, is the fashion. It is a great time to make an excuse for heading to the mall. Great deals and new arrivals always make my heart melt. However, it’s not always the clothes that grab the most attention during the summertime, but it’s the little details that always get noticed.
My Fashionista decided to bring back a trend that some of us might have done when we were younger. If you’re a female reading this, then your mom might have made you wear this to school—especially on picture day. She even got you into a dress with way too much tulle on the inside. I’m talking lacy, ruffly ankle socks. We have all seen people wearing them with boots and the socks poking out just enough to give some edge to their look. My Fashionista did it perfectly! Ruffly socks are such a girly trend that anyone can rock. She also decided to go ’90s grunge with this look and added a leather jacket and plaid skirt. If lace socks weren’t enough details, she also had killer midi rings on. The midi ring is a popular trend going on right now. She captured this trend so effortlessly, mixing silver and bronze rings to make her outfit unique and stylish.
The Fashionista’s full outfit included a plaid skirt, cropped tee and leather jacket. Her dark hair and short bangs gave her an edge that cannot be duplicated.
How To: Want to try the ruffly sock trend or midi rings, but not sure how? It’s simple! Any outfit can have midi rings, especially if your going for a bohemian look. Want to spice up your combat boots? Grab a pair of your favorite ruffly, lacy socks and head onto the streets!