

July 10th, 2015 at 2:00am

On Monday the sun was beaming and the shorts were out. On Tuesday there was a tornado warning and we were advised to not leave the house. Come Wednesday, we thought it was going to be a beautiful day until the clouds turned dark gray. By Thursday, the humidity …oh, let’s not gets started on the humidity! With such indecisive weather and the fluctuating chances of rain, most college students find themselves not wanting to leave the house and if they do, not putting any effort into their outfits of the day. However, rain or shine, always remember that it is better to put little effort into your appearance rather than no effort at all. Dress fashionably enough to make a statement to others while still maintaining your level of rainy day comfortability.

With a knit fedora hat, this Fashionista has mastered keeping it chic despite the rainy day blues. Hats are the go-to accessories for any weather – rain, humidity or excessive shine. They are also perfect for a bad hair day. Girls can pull their hair back and wear earth tone beanie for the boho look or guys can throw on a baseball cap while waiting to get a fresh haircut for the weekend. I personally love a black top hat; it goes with everything in my closet. The key for hats is to always to try them on before purchasing, just like you would with clothes. Hats should always sit nice over your hair and complement the frame of your head and face. You never want to think that you’re really rocking your new hat style when in reality you look like Dumb Donald from Fat Albert.

This Fashionista completes her look with a floral tank top, dark denim high-waisted shorts, a yellow belt, black ankle boots and a knit sleeveless cardigan to match her hat.

How To: Hats are easy to rock! You can keep it simple with your ensemble and throw on a baseball cap or make it theme like this Fashionista did with her knit hat and cardigan. Take advantage of your next bad hair day or rainy weather and hat it up!
