
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Flannels Forever

March 6th, 2015 at 2:00am

Flannels are no longer just for greasy dudes and blonde cowgirl Jessica Simpson types. In fact, flannel shirts are the perfect addition to just about any outfit. They tow the line perfectly between cardigan and sweatshirt and keep you warm without making you sweat.

This Fashionista shows us how to do flannel right during her break from her art project by pairing her button-up with a pork pie hat and the perfect pair of Dr. Martens. Because flannels are such a casual and durable choice, they look better with a little wear. “They have a pocket and look good with art supplies smeared on them,” says this Fashionista. That means you can follow in the footsteps of this artist (or should we say, “artista”) and wipe your charcoal dusted hands on your shirt. Go ahead, a little charcoal never hurt anyone!

While hoodies might cover up your carefully chosen outfit, flannels stand open and let all the work you put into your early morning routine shine through. If you’re not the type to go completely unbuttoned, you can throw your flannel into a quick knot to keep it from blowing in the wind. You want some sun on your shoulders? Just tie it around your waist like this Fashionista to add a hint of grunge to your outfit.

How To: All stocked up on plaid and no idea what to do? Pair that puppy with a sundress and a pair of Converse for a fun, fancy free, everyday outfit that is appropriate for almost every occasion.
