With Disney’s Cinderella hitting the big screen once again, Fashionistas have taken to social media to show off their talented recreations of their favorites princesses’ looks. I’ve seen everything from bold fiery locks to prim and proper midi skirts. Fully getting into character isn’t for everyone and isn’t always practical. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still pay homage to the greats and have a little fun! This week’s Fashionista shows us how to flawlessy blend in your favorite films while still looking yourself with a few quirky accessories.
Subtlty is the key to pulling off the perfect everyday Disney-inspired look. The most unique accessory in this ensemble would have to be the pocket watch necklace. If you look closely you can see the silhouette of a boy who never grew up, an appropriate theme for all of those anxious graduates out there.
The remainder of the accessories in this look are pulled from themes present in the story of everyone’s favorite mermaid. This Fashionista’s blue reflective aviators and sea shell bracelet are perfect for a day spent pining for the sea. Her gold ocotpus ring adds a little quirky touch to the look, as well.
Each accessory strikes the right balance between understated and unique. These pieces are not only fashion statements but are also great conversation starters. What’s better than a little style that speaks?
How To: To create an outfit that is fun while still remaining sophisticated and clean, keep your themed accessories in the same metal family. For example, this Fashionista chose to stay in the gold family and created a warm look that perfectly complimented her spring ensemble. Get creative and show some love to your old favorites!