
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Breaking the Black and Blue Rule

January 16th, 2017 at 2:00am

In the world of fashion one of the longest standing rules declares that black and blue cannot be worn together, especially black and dark blue. However, this law is one that needs to be broken. Since black and blue are similar shades, they have one main characteristic in common: they are both neutrals. Neutral tones can easily be paired with another color, including each other. When combined correctly, black and blue can create a perfectly subtle and trendy look.

The outfit above embodies breaking this fashion decree perfectly. The model combines her sleek black leather jacket with a pair of dark wash skinny jeans. She also embraces a black and white patterned scarf on top which keeps the colors from meshing together too much. This also helps to distinguish a difference between the two shades. The sneakers in this outfit are black leather as well, perfectly complementing her jacket. Another characteristic I love about this outfit is the diversity in textures. The leather jacket and shoes, mixed with the denim jeans and the cloth scarf is a great way to experiment with variant fabrics. It’s a surefire way to break this rule in style!

The leather elements in this outfit are what inspired the title for this article. Because the fabric has always been associated with the idea of being edgy and breaking rules, it was coincidentally fitting that the girl I had photographed was sporting a black leather jacket and sneakers. The frayed bottoms of her jeans were also a fantastic touch to complement the edgy look. Although it may not have been her intentions to defy this fashion faux pas, she executed the protest perfectly.
