
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Be Daring with Stripes

February 23rd, 2017 at 2:00am

Being able to get up in the morning and decide what to wear when it’s freezing cold out is one difficult thing to do, especially when your bed is nice and warm. Instead of wearing plain T-shirts, try wearing something with stripes! Stripes can definitely set a bold statement and make your outfit more stylish. For example, this Fashionista is wearing a striped shirt with a black jacket as opposed to wearing a solid color shirt. By doing this, your shirt will stand out rather than blend in. The worst part about winter is wearing a coat. Isn’t it annoying how no one can see your outfit unless you have it opened? It’s like wearing the same thing everyday!

Also, this Fashionista is wearing a solid, bright handbag. It pairs perfectly with her outfit making the whole outfit come together. This handbag is big enough to fit books and a laptop, which is perfect to wear to class! The detail in the bag’s buckle makes the bag unique. This front pocket is good for things that need easy access to like a cell phone, money, and ID card.

Lastly, you could never go wrong with booties in the winter. They are the staple of every winter wardrobe. The low heel makes it comfortable to walk in all day, which is beneficial, especially in the city. They easily go with any outfit.

Stay warm Fashionista/os!


  • Daniella Cornetto

    Blogger & Student at Fashion Institute of Technology studying Advertising and Marketing Communications. I decided that my love for fashion has to be shared with aspiring young girls like myself