September 1st, 2015 at 2:00am

Hello Fashionistas and Fashionistos! I’m Daisy and I’m ecstatic to be back for my second semester as a Style Guru. If you love fashion as much as I do, then I hope you’ll join me as I share what people are wearing around my campus.

I’m just finishing up my final semester as a Bachelor of Journalism at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and the guys and gals in the city have a serious eye for style. We’re about to head into spring down here, so Fashionistas will soon be putting away the coats and swapping them for bright dresses as we get some much needed sunshine! Melbourne is an incredibly vibrant place to be and I can’t wait to give you a taste of what I’m lucky enough to see every day.

Before I take you on this fashion journey, let me tell you a little more about me. I live in the South East suburbs of Melbourne, and while I love having the beach nearby and plenty of places to shop, I’m really a city girl at heart. I love to explore new places and I’m looking forward to plenty of travels after I’ve finished my degree (first stop, New York!). I visited Bali with my family this year and it definitely gave me the travel bug! I’m always up for a coffee or three, I love to read anything I can get my hands on, I don’t eat animals and I’m a self-confessed gym junkie.

My personal style is constantly changing; I’ll be super feminine and classic one day then bohemian the next, with a bit of minimalist thrown in on occasion as well. Give me leopard print and faux leather, lace and floral, ripped jeans and chunky sweaters – you’ll see me wearing all of it in one week. When it comes to fashion, I love to mix things up and try anything that catches my eye.

Today, I kept to the basics, lacing up my trusty Converse, slipping on a sheer white blouse with a cute back detail and adding a leopard scarf.
