
WHAT I KNOW NOW—Ashley Vargas, Marketing and Sales Coordinator at Supersmile

August 24th, 2015 at 2:00am
We’ve said it. Your professors have said. Heck ever you mom has said it. Internships are important.
Well the proof is in the pudding—just take a look at former Penn State University Style Guru, Ashley Vargas. From CollegeFashionista to ASOS to Seventeen, Ashley was a serial intern during her undergraduate career. All those internships paid off—as she is crushing it in the real world as the Marketing and Sale Coordinator at Supersmile.
Want to know some of more Ashley’s insight on how to make the most of your college experience? Take a look at her five things she wish she knew!
1. Get Involved. The key to landing your dream job is having internship experience, which means intern as much as possible in college. Interning is great because it helps you figure out what you like and don’t like. If you’re having trouble landing an internship, keep in mind to stay as involved as possible on campus. Whether you’re passion is magazine, television, or fashion design, find a club on campus that pertains to your interest. If one doesn’t exist, create one! Things like that look great on a resume.
2. Never stop networking. Always take the time to strengthen your relationships with people in your network (the members of your sorority, peers in class or alumni at your university). Not only can you learn a lot from people in your network, you never know when they can help you out while trying to land a dream job or internship. It is also really important to help out the people in your network too when you can.
3. Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I was preached this by an old supervisor, and stand by it. You never know when you’ll ride the elevator with the president of the company or the editor-in-chief of your favorite magazine. Dress to impress, always.
4. Failing is OK. Just get back up. The transition between college and the real world can be tough (at least it was for me). I was constantly afraid of failure. When I finally stopped worrying about failure, I restored confidence in myself. I’m sure I will face failure again in my future, but this time I won’t fear it- it will just become a part of my story.
5. Work hard, but make time for fun. Make your career a priority, and do not lose sight of your goals. However, don’t forget to have fun. Make time for friends, family and hobbies. Life is a journey, and at the end of the day you have to enjoy the ride. Make mistakes; learn from them. Take risks; be fearless. With that, you’ll gain success.
