

August 17th, 2015 at 2:00am

Hello Fashionistas/os! Hope your week is going well!

During the summer, one can partake in many activities whether it is hiking, reading or in this case, going to concerts. Concerts are fun to go and great to find the ideal look for that specific concert; it is absolutely exciting. A fellow Fashionista friend is back again looking sharp and edgy that is perfect for the concert atmosphere.

Now a concert, especially during the summer, is usually hot, and one must stand for a long period of time, while listening to his or her respective artist. Therefore, the right outfit that will fit well for a concert should be something that is comfortable or convenient to wear and does not make you sweat as much. This is exactly why this outfit is the right choice since the the Fashionista looks fierce, comfortable and ready to sing along.

To add on, I adore the Converse sneakers because these sneakers are versatile and can work with any outfit like it does here. Furthermore, the maroon lip color is a great touch to this fabulous look, along with the wavy hair. A helpful tip is if you do not have a good outfit, always experiment with a unique shade of lip color, as the color will ultimately make you stand out!

One Simple Change: This look not only works well at a concert, but also during a family get-together or even a tailgating event. The teal flannel and the Converse sneakers provide that comfort and are appropriate to wear in a family setting as well.
