July 22nd, 2015 at 2:00am

Since plaid shirts seem to never go out of style, why not rock them all year around? I absolutely love the plaid lumberjack-inspired shirts. They’re warm for the winter, extremely comfortable and everyone produces them so they are easy to find no matter where you are. It’s easy to stray away from them in the summertime because they’re hot but it is a complete game changer when you find a plaid shirt made with chambray fabric. This quick change allows us plaid lovers to wear it all the time. Since chambray is a lighter fabric than cotton, it is more versatile and allows the breeze to come through, making it more bearable to wear throughout the summer days.

This look is simple and good for all occasions. The Fashionisto’s green pants give me a wonderful fall vibe. One piece of his outfit that I found unique was his socks with boat shoes. He says that his boss requires him to wear socks when rocking boat shoes because he feels it is unprofessional. This is a little different but the outfit is still cool. So I think it is safe to say plaid is rad!

This Fashionisto didn’t mind how hot it was outside this day; it’s what he felt like so he just wore it. True Fashionistos/as just wear what they want regardless of the heat or current trends. If they feel inspired, then they will wear it and those are the individuals Style Gurus need to watch out for and feature.

What is your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Even though it’s hot outside, go for it. You can always roll up your sleeves or take a few buttons loose if you’re feeling too hot.”
