
ALL IN THE DETAILS: Study Your Classics

July 17th, 2015 at 2:10am

While I am out and about observing college students’ fashion tendencies, I have come to notice that many people aim for trendiness when styling themselves. There is nothing wrong with that either! I do it all the time. Nonetheless, this poses one slight dilemma for our wardrobes: the trend usually ends. It goes out of Vogue within a couple of years, sometimes months, and becomes an ancient artifact buried in the depths of closets, never to see sunlight again. That is, not unless the trend has been miraculously recycled, but who knows how long that will take. We don’t have time for that; we want to be rocking our campus runways today!

Have no fear! There is a solution to this awful trend deathtrap cycle. Perhaps, try out one of the fashion world’s classic styles on for size. Because our eyes never tire of these classic statements, they have and will continue to withstand the pull of time while what is trending will falter. Black will always be the new black (no matter what anyone else says), red lipstick automatically makes you a sophisticated goddess and the white shirt plus blue jeans combo even makes Lana Del Rey weak in the knees.

The Fashionisto that I came across this week was nailing the classics as if it were his favorite subject in school. The look was that of a ’50s greaser, James Dean-esque even, that was complementary to the way he carried himself. He sported the infamous leather jacket that added a mysterious rebel desire to his aesthetic. Paired with a worn, long T-shirt, modern sunnies and a flawlessly shaped hairdo, he stuck out from the crowds that were wearing current trends because of how strikingly bold he appeared. This cool, collected outfit made our Fashionisto a throwback, sharp and stylish look without succumbing to unstable trends.

How To: Whenever you feel the need to venture beyond the “now” look that everyone you know will be sporting, opt for one of the classics. They are matured styles that have been repeatedly proven reliable by history. Think of a style that has been recurrently successful throughout time, and bingo! You’ve got yourself picking out your very own classic outfit. My favorite is a little black dress paired with red lipstick. For the Fashionistos out there, this greaser look, made by wearing a leather or denim jacket, a solid T-shirt and some cool shades, will never let you down. Try out several and see which one works best for you!
