Summer is finally officially here! To celebrate it’s long awaited arrival and to inspire your next few months of warm weather wear, here are five trends we are obsessed with this summa-summa-summa-time!
1. Fringe
From jackets to clutches to skirts—we are definitely not “on the fringe” that this trend will be everywhere this summer.
This quintessential summer color is taking over. Head-to-toe white is chic, polished and majorly on trend.
Who would have thought that Fashionistas would be able to mix comfort and style into one perfect pair of sandals?
While this trend has been on the rise for a while, this summer the matching set is going to the extreme. Matching croppped tops and bike shorts for the win!
Hole-y moly. Torn, shredded and pretty much destroyed, when it comes to denim, the more obliterated the better.