

May 29th, 2015 at 2:00am

Hello everyone! My name is Abby Rogers and I am almost a sophomore at the University of Delaware where I am a Fashion Merchandising major with a possible double major in Marketing or a minor in Advertising. I am so ready to start my off my summer by writing for CollegeFashionista! This is my first semester being a Style Guru and I couldn’t be happier.

My love for fashion started at a young age, but escalated throughout high school when I really wanted my personality to shine through my outfits. I believe that the way you dress can tell another person a lot about yourself. You can usually find me in something cute and comfortable like boots, jeans and a beanie. I like to wear a lot of neutrals, but color is not something I shy away from. My go-to brands to shop are Urban Outfitters, Steve Madden and American Eagle Outfitters (their jeans are my staple). Now that the weather has finally broken, I’m excited to bring out my sundresses and report all the stylish Fashionistas and Fashionistos to you this summer!

This is my very first internship so I am looking forward to making connections and meeting my fellow Style Gurus. I have dipped into the fashion industry by working in retail, something that I loved, although many people do not. I am also very lucky to have the beautiful city of Baltimore less than 30 minutes away. I gain inspiration for my own wardrobe just by going out to my favorite sushi restaurant or by admiring all the stylish people out and about. There are so many unique people in the city and I can’t wait to meet and photograph them.

I also LOVE social media and like to explore fashion blogs like  Pinterest and Instagram to give me inspiration about what I want to put in my closet. I know this internship will really expand my knowledge about social media, journalism and photography so I’m very lucky to be a part of it!

I look forward to scoping out all of my peers while reporting to you all the fashionable choices they make and I’m excited to be a part of this team so that I can put my camera to use!
