The fashion world is still buzzing about Monday night’s Met Gala red carpet. For those of you who live under a rock (or don’t follow any designer/model/celebrity on Instagram), the Met Gala is the yearly spectacle that is one-part charity and one-part excuse for the fashion world to figuratively and literally go insane. From Anna Hathaway’s golden hood to Rihanna’s fur-lined, yellow cape with a train so long, rumor has it required three wranglers to tame it, the WTF (as in “What the Fashion”) moments kept on coming.
Part of what makes the Met Gala so fun is that the looks are appropriate nowhere else but the event’s red carpet. So while you may want to go nearly naked in a strategically placed jewel incrusted dress like Beyoncé to class, you also don’t want people to question your sobriety and/or to be expelled.
That doesn’t mean your favorite Met Gala ensembles can’t inspire your everyday wear. Check out some of our favorite looks from this year’s Met Gala and how those over-the-top numbers are translated into wearable trends by Fashionistas right here on CollegeFashionista.
Jennifer Lawrence
University of Cincinnati Fashionista
Article by Delaney Spetnagel
Keri Russell
Kent State University Fashionista
Article by Cassandra Neely
Jennifer Connelly
University of Florida Fashionista
Article by Jennifer Jenkins
University of Notre Dame Fashionista
Article by Paige Hardman
Cara Delevingne
University of Minnesota Fashionista
Article by Eva Thomas
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen
DePaul University Fashionista
Article by Julia Daoud
Sarah Jessica Parker
Academy of Art University Fashionista
Article by Adrienne Yap
All Met Gala Photos via