
AROUND TOWN: Guillermo Zeigler

May 7th, 2015 at 2:00am

People always notice and look up to those individuals with exceptional good taste, killer style and who are rarely ever seen not dressed at their best. This Fashionisto and designer knows that dressing well is a part of him that will never die, especially when he lives and breathes fashion every day, in some way or another.

Name: Guillermo Zeigler

Role: Student Designer, Art major and Entrepreneur

CollegeFashionista: When did you first have an interest in studying fashion design?

Guillermo Zeigler: In high school in 10th grade, I started designing the logo of shirts for a dance crew I was involved in. People noticed my designs on the shirts and wanted to buy them to support. I then started making designs for sweaters and other items of clothing.

CF: Once you started designing your own clothing, how has your perspective of fashion changed?

GZ: When I actually started designing clothes, it shows how much hard work actually goes into creating an individual garment, a fashion line or brand. I realized that you need to have a distinct style in order for people to like what you’re making.

CF: How would you describe your design style compared to your own individual style?

GZ: Compared to high school when I designed with more of a playful teen approach, I have grown and matured and now design more of a chic and classic style. When it comes my personal style, I dress very sophisticated.

CF: Where do you see your talent of being a fashion designer taking you?

GZ: Reflecting back on my personal style of clothing, once again sophistication comes into play when I wear ties or bow ties. They have inspired me to create my own.

Learn More: Guillermo is in the process of starting his own custom made bow tie line. He takes custom orders! Message him on Facebook at Guillermo Zeigler if interested.
