April 29th, 2015 at 2:10am

It’s that time of year again. No, not Coachella. Although I like to believe that my spirit was at the Californian music festival with the likes of Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid, my body was, well, desperately attempting to finish my Chaucerian literature paper. You’ve guessed it. Finals season has approached us.

While students break out the Clif Bars, espresso and semester’s worth of lecture notes, they often forget one essential: a great outfit. I may not be a statistician, but I assure you that an outfit that gives you confidence will increase your chances of acing that test by 45 percent…or maybe 65.9 percent? You can even plan a coffee date afterward to get your mind off the end-of-semester woes, which will make it inexcusable to not dress up. After all, to quote Parks and Recreation’s Tom Haverford, a “treat yo-self” attitude leads to success.

The fashion industry is notorious for revitalizing decade trends, and the ’90s are the decade of the moment (wow, I feel old). However, this means that denim, psychedelic fleeces and yes, the crop top, have found their way into our closets. This week’s Fashionista channeled Coachella vibes in this floral crop top that is perfect for Hotlanta’s weather. When worn with a pair of boyfriend jeans and booties, this outfit proves to be appropriate for the summer-weather classes that have graced the city the past few weeks.

These next few weeks are all about acing exams, and a vital part of this success dwells in our closets. Treat yo self by wearing your favorite summertime outfit and celebrating with coffee once you finish that pressing exam.

What Is Your STYLE ADVICE OF THE WEEK? “Adding a little edge to a ‘girly’ piece is never a bad idea.”
