
CollegeFashionista March Madness Winner—Jacqueline Cox

April 14th, 2015 at 2:00am
Sure, everyone thinks Duke University was the winner of March Madness. (And if you are a basketball fan, well then maybe you are correct.)
But the real winner of March Madness in our eyes is Michigan State Style Guru, Jacqueline Cox. She went head-to-head with 64 other Style Gurus in CollegeFashionista’s own competitive March Madness tournament to come out on top.
We caught up with Jacqueline to learn a little bit about this champion and newly-crowned “The Most Stylish Style Guru” as she discussed spring fashion, her beloved combat boots and more!

CollegeFashionista: Where do you go to school and what is your major?

Jacqueline Cox: I am currently a senior at Michigan State University. I am working towards my BA in Marketing and Specialization in Design, while also dual-enrolled in the MS in Marketing Research graduate program. 

CF: What are your spring must-haves?

JC: A neutral, light jacket that can be thrown over anything, and it must have a hood. April showers don’t fare well with curly hair!
Spring is my favorite time to bring out a pretty new scent. I was recently given Coach Poppy as a gift, so that’s my current fragrance. 

CF: What is the one thing in your closet you wear the most?

JC: I have a pair of GUESS combat boots that I have worn to death over the past couple of years. I think next fall I may finally have to give them up, but they’re just the right amount of broken in and dirtied up that it will be hard to let them go.

CF: Who is your fashion spirit animal?

JC: My fashion spirit animal would have to be Joanna Coles, editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan. To me, this isn’t just about her style (which is excellent). I admire the way she represents herself as a whole, as well as the things she stands for. She’s a huge source of inspiration to me both personally and professionally. 

CF: If you could splurge on one item, what would it be?

JC: I would pay any money for a perfect-fitting leather jacket, preferably in dark brown. You can’t beat the way authentic leather looks and feels when it fits just right. I once passed one up while shopping in Italy and still regret it to this day.

CF: Describe your style in three words?

JC: Casual, edgy, street-style.
CF: How does it feel to be the winner of CollegeFashionista’s “March Madness?”
JC: I can’t explain how excited I am! It feels amazing to be featured here. I’m so happy to have this opportunity to represent myself and my school, and thankful that I have the best support system that kept voting for me!
Congrats again to Jacqueline! Be sure to check out Jacqueline’s weekly articles as she reports on the fashion trends happening at MSU!
