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April 9th, 2015 at 2:05am

Warmer days are finally upon us (though in Pittsburgh, this is accompanied with rain, still leaving us confused on what to wear). One thing is for sure: we can pretty much leave our winter coats at home and go with either no coat or a very light one (or rain jacket). Lately, rain and wind have been hand in hand, so I’ve felt that it’s still a bit nippy for shorts—though a dress and thigh-high socks proved to be quite suitable. When I saw this Fashionisto, there was something so intriguingly simple about his outfit, and it seemed to fit the day perfectly.

On his way to class, this Fashionisto was sporting a pair of Cole Haan boots, dark wash slim jeans and a green plaid, long sleeved collared shirt. What I loved most about this outfit was the shirt; the colors were so nice and it didn’t look like anything currently being sold in stores for men’s fashion. When I inquired about the shirt, it turned out that it was an old shirt of his dad’s, which is amazing. I don’t know about you guys, but the old clothes that my parents pull out that have suddenly become relevant again and they happened to save are my favorite. I loved this shirt so much that I nearly wanted to steal it from him—it’s perfect for one of my boy outfit days (boy clothes rule). The other part of this outfit that is amazing, hinging on the shirt, is that it transcends age. This outfit could be appropriate for someone aged 20 or someone aged 70—and would look just as good on both. Though, the old-guy-outfit aesthetic seems to work slightly more in favor of the male youth, which is proven by this Fashionisto. There’s nothing particularly unique about this outfit, but the classic/vintage feel it has surely had others jealous of it. Thank you, dads, for keeping your old clothes for us to wear (and moms too).

How To: Looking to be comfortable but still look put together? Try raiding your momma’s or papa’s closet for a shirt like this, or scour the inter-webs for a similar look. Pair it with a cool watch to add an accessory that adds to the ageless look of this outfit.
