Thinking About Studying Abroad? Read This Advice First

September 29th, 2017 at 1:00am

While most college students are returning to their college campuses this semester, Lillian Jones—Style Guru and friend of yours truly—will be arriving on foreign soil for classes this fall to study abroad in a new, unfamiliar country. I asked Lillian about her advice and opinions on study abroad—keep reading for her thoughts!

college fashionista: Why do you want to study abroad?

Lillian Jones: I’ve always been a big fan of traveling, and have always wanted to study abroad. It’s such a cool way to live somewhere and experience it without the consequences of actually moving there.

CF: How did you choose where to study abroad?

LJ: I chose London because I’ve always had a fascination with it. It’s a cultural melting pot. London’s history, art, and architecture amaze me. In fact, I’ve been twice before, and it enthralled me. I felt a connection to it and felt that I needed to spend more time there.

CF: What do you hope to gain from studying abroad?

LJ: I hope to learn about different cultures and as a result become more culturally aware. I’m going to see for myself how these people live. Also, I know that when you put yourself out of your comfort zone, you tend to gain a better understanding of yourself.

CF: What are you most excited about for this semester?

LJ: I’m excited to get out of my comfort zone and to explore the city in depth. Also, I’m excited about the access that I will have to travel to other places in Europe. I’ll get to see things like the Eiffel Tower and the Colosseum; places that are just a short distance away.

PHOTO: Lex Kelly

CF: What are your biggest concerns about studying abroad?

LJ: Because so much can happen in one semester, I’m afraid of what I could miss while I’m gone. I just have to tell myself that regardless of what happens, I will be coming back to good friends when it’s over.

CF: Can you give anyone that will be studying abroad soon packing advice?

LJ: I am an over-packer. I love to have a lot of outfit options, so packing up my life in two suitcases for one semester is my worst nightmare. What I’ve done is take my time with it. Then I thought to myself, “Do I really need three black shirts? Probably not.” Ultimately I had to think about the functionality of things, and not about whether or not something looked cute.

CF: Do you have any final advice for students that are considering studying abroad?

LJ: Even though I’ve been planning to study abroad for years, I’ve almost talked myself out of it several times. Get past those fears, and realize that if you don’t do it, you will regret it. Studying abroad can give you a once in a lifetime experience that you can’t get on your campus.

Are you studying abroad this semester? Let us know on Instagram and tag @Cfashionista!

Featured photo by Lex Kelly.

