5 Ways to Boost Your Mood This Semester

September 11th, 2017 at 2:00am

A new year means new trends, new friends, and a fresh start for most people. But let’s not kid ourselves, by October you can find students weeping over a burrito bowl wearing the same sweatshirt they’ve worn for the last two days and a to-do list that’s a mile long. Trying to keep up with academic, financial, and social responsibilities can leave us feeling overwhelmed and undervalued. Over the years, I’ve established some go-to tactics to shake off the stress.

PHOTO: Kelly Rogowski

1—Sweat It Out!

We just established that you have a million things to do, so how will you have time to hit the gym? Relax. Going for a slow jog around the block, doing some yoga on your porch, or even going on a bike ride with a friend will release endorphins to boost your mood.

PHOTO: Kelly Rogowski

2—Treat Yo’ Self

Tom Haverford had it right. Don’t be so hard on yourself! Once a week, take the time to do something just for yourself. It could be ordering in your favorite takeout, making yourself an utterly enchanting bubble bath, or buying the pair of cute booties you’ve been eyeballing since July. Even taking just a little time to focus on something other than your projects will make you feel much better.

3—Say Goodnight.

Getting enough sleep during the school year is a challenge all on its own. But going to bed at a reasonable hour is a major key. Have you ever had a day filled with brain farts where you could never focus on a task or struggle finding the right words when you’re having conversations? Just like your MacBook when you have 1,987 tabs open, your brain gets overworked. And when it does, you’re more irritable, less focused, and in turn more stressed. Have some warm tea, listen to your favorite John Mayer song, and hit the lights.

PHOTO: Anna Coke

4—Reprioritize and Organize.

I used to hate that my mother made me organize my room and my schedule religiously, but because of that I did well in school and was able to tackle a heavy schedule. Taking the time to organize your private space really does wonders for your stress. An open, easy-to-navigate environment (with maybe a nice candle or two) is proven to boost your mood. Figure out what tasks are most important and what things you can wait to accomplish so you can allocate your time more wisely.

PHOTO: Emily Truong

5—Tune it out.

Music is such a great way to lighten the mood and boost productivity. Spotify has loads of great playlists perfect for any occasion. I could listen to John Legend and no matter how moody I am, I’ll feel a million times better. Build a playlist for your study sessions or even just to listen to around campus. Listen to new artists and don’t be afraid to experience new genres.

What are your favorite mood-boosting tips? Share with us in the comments below or on social media by tagging @CFashionista.


  • Allyson Kramer

    Currently a fashion merchandising student at the lovely Kent State University with a minor in public relations Loves long walks on the beach and Betty White