Your Most Important College Relationship Is With Your Mental Health

August 29th, 2017 at 2:00am

I’ve always been a sucker for romance. I was mesmerized by the idea that I could find a relationship like you’d find in a typical chick flick or novel. But it turns out that as I closed the door on each of my relationships during college, I began to realize that I needed to create a positive, everlasting relationship with myself.

I know firsthand how hard it can be to take a step back and do things for yourself, so in case you needed some motivation, here are a few things you can do to end up in an empowering relationship with yourself!

1—Find people that make your life exciting. Put on some red lipstick and your favorite black dress, because it’s time for a girls’ night! Throughout my most challenging, eventful times in my life, I was fortunate enough to have my best friends along for the ride. Take this time to invest in friendships that are positive and complement your life.

2—Treat yourself. Sweep yourself off your feet! Enjoy a beach day, read an empowering book, or go to the spa. Do the things you love doing because you deserve to go the extra mile for yourself.

3—Embrace your flaws and enforce self-love. No one’s perfect, but in the end, there is only one you, and you have to embrace yourself for all that you are. If you take the time to step outside your comfort zone, chances are you’ll learn to dance your way through life like no one’s watching.

4—Celebrate your accomplishments. Set your goals high and work hard in everything that you do. Finally made cookies without almost burning your apartment down? Celebrate! Enjoy every accomplishment!

5—Travel. Buy that plane ticket! Throw on your favorite bikini and enjoy a vacation. There’s nothing better than adventuring in a new environment. Traveling allows you to open your mind and experience things outside of your everyday routine.

6—Learn to control your life. In the end, you are the director of your own movie, and ultimately you can edit it however you want. Control what you can control and let go of what you can’t.

I leave you here and hope that you’ll embark on this journey with yourself. Nothing is more important for your mental health or makes you more beautiful than being happy with yourself. Your happiness and confidence come from so much more than finding the perfect guy or girl. Listen to yourself and learn what it is that excites, motivates, and even scares you. Enjoy every memory and take every picture. Buy those Ray-Bans you’ve been eyeing and eat the food you’re craving! You are your own soul mate. Your life is what you make it, so why not make it amazing?

What is your favorite thing to do as a benefit to your mental health? Let us know in the comments below!
