
4 Ways to Style a "Dad Shirt"

August 15th, 2017 at 2:05am

One of the biggest growing trends this year is the “dad shirt.” The “dad shirt” is a blanket term for almost any floral or zany-patterned, button-down T-shirt. It’s the type of shirt you see your father pack 10 of whenever he goes on vacation. These shirts are typically very comfy, wide in the sleeves, and boxy. And while they’re super easy to throw on, they might not flatter your figure like they flatter your dad’s. So, here are some tips to style a “dad shirt” to fit your body and look.

1—Layering. A “dad shirt” can be the perfect element to tie an outfit together. Usually, incorporating an additional piece to a basic outfit elevates the entire ensemble. So, there’s no issue in throwing one on over your tank top or T-shirt. However, try rolling up the sleeves to make the shirt seem more fitted and not like something out of Shia LaBeouf’s wardrobe in The Even Stevens Movie.

2—Tucking. For an overall polished look, try tucking the shirt in completely. Don’t forget to have fun with it and don’t play it safe when there are so many tucks to try. There’s the half-tuck, which is half tucked in and half untucked. There’s the frat tuck, which means the front is tucked in and the back is not. You can even try buttoning it up unevenly and just tucking whatever part of the shirt you grab first to achieve a truly effortless look.

3—Knotting. Tying a knot with the ends of the shirt in the front is a subtle way to define your waist, taking your dad’s shirt and making it much more feminine. Now that your figure is visible, you can worry about whether you want to button the shirt, layer it, and other details.

4—Two-In-One. This is a bonus style tip for the brave or the bored. Take two “dad shirts” and button them up together. Then, tuck the back or tie them together in the back to form a knot. Contrasting colors or patterns work best for this look because it really shouts, “I’m wearing two shirts right now!” If it’s done right then this look will be the conversation piece from now until the end of the year. If you’re lacking even the slightest amount of confidence, try wearing it around your room to see if you’d ever rock it out in public.

The “dad shirt” is available at retailers, thrift stores, and your dad’s closet, so don’t miss out. The trend is still in its early stages with mainly celebrities and dads wearing them, but this summer is a great time to experiment with it. Would you ever hop on the “dad shirt” bandwagon? Let us know on social media and below!

Would you ever hop on the “dad shirt” bandwagon? Let us know on social media by tagging @Cfashionista or leave a comment below!
