5 Healthy Habits to Swear By

August 15th, 2017 at 2:00am

It seems the trend of walking around in exercise gear on a day-to-day basis is yet to fade away. Some say it’s a look women uphold to pretend they are doing exercise when they’re really not. But if this means ladies are feeling comfortable in their skin, then bring on the Lululemon leggings! Keeping fit and feeling good is hard because everyone has different healthy habits that work for them. This Fashionista not only rocks her matching workout clothing, but she also shows off five of her favorite ways to keep in shape.

1—Regular exerciseBoxing, yoga, running, or weights—any form of exercise is good exercise. Factoring in at least 30 minutes of some sort of physical exercise a day will not only make you look better and feel better, but you’ll find yourself in a happier mindset. Mixing up your workouts each day is always a great way to keep you interested.

2—“Me” timeEat, sleep, workout, repeat—the cycle is never-ending. With busy schedules at college, we can often forget to do things for ourselves. This Fashionista’s favorite thing to do is to take a few minutes each day to meditate, allowing her to clear her head from the load of work she has to complete and any other stresses in her life. Find what works best for you to clear the waters. Even just a few minutes each day can make all the difference to your overall well-being and happiness.

3—A balanced dietThe constant fads and diets that people come up with can be thrown out the window, according to this Fashionista. Listening to your body is the key. If you feel like a little sugar, this probably means your body needs some to keep you going, but this doesn’t mean go and eat a whole packet of lollipops. It’s all about balance, and a green smoothie is a great way to get those natural sugars, vitamins, and sources of vegetables and fruits blended together.

4—Comfortable and stylish workout gearThis Fashionista finds that when you wear a cute matching set or comfortable sports gear, she finds herself feeling confident in her natural, beautiful skin. Like any outfit, if it looks good you will feel good. Her patterned, fun leggings and crop top from Lulemon go hand in hand and are partnered with her Adidas Sneakers and Nike Hoodie for when she is going for a walk in the park.

5—Stay hydratedThe recommended daily water intake is about two liters—this isn’t as much as you think! If you carry a water bottle with you, you will find yourself drinking more without even realizing you are. You will never see this Fashionista without a bottle in hand.

Post your favorite exercise outfit and healthy habits on social media and don’t forget to tag @CFashionista!
