4 Tips for Getting the Most Out of Summer's Favorite Skincare Product

July 27th, 2017 at 2:00am

From sweat, to the heat, to everything else the sizzling summer months brings, your skin deserves a little TLC. A face mask can be the ultimate de-stressor, not only for yourself but your skin as well. The right face mask can shrink your pores, remove the presence of dirt and oils, and give your skin the hydration it needs. Here’s a few tips on making the most of your mask routine and achieving your glow goals!

1—A Fresh Start. It’s easy to forget the rest of your skincare routine when masks seem like full routines themselves, however applying them on freshly cleaned skin really enhances their benefits. This means all make up, sunscreen, or moisturizer should be removed before masking. To prep your skin to receive the most out of your mask, start with cleansing and light exfoliating on the areas you want to target most. Follow with your favorite oil or serum, and your skin is ready!

2—Tailor your treatment. For those of us who want to combat multiple, diverse problem areas at once, there’s one word: multi-mask. Multi-masking’s popularity has risen in recent years and for good reason. Say your t-zone is suffering from oil overload but your cheeks and chin are drier than the beaches you’ve been laying out on. You could use a mud or charcoal mask to eliminate oils on your nose and forehead and a cream or peel mask to relieve dryness. Multi-masking allows you to target each areas and all of your skincare worries.

3—Keep it cool. For a cooling effect that counteracts the sweltering summer heat, pop your mask into the fridge an hour before putting it on. The coolness of the fridge will not only keep the mask fresh, but thicken it for a more even and easy application. Say goodbye to sweaty, warm flush and hello to a cool, dewy glow!

4—Remember the time. In the case of face masks, longer doesn’t always mean better. Be sure to check the mask’s instructions for a suggested time frame before setting your timer. A mask that’s left on for too long can dry out your skin and cause redness and skin irritation. It’s also important not to mask too often. Masking once or twice a week will set you on the right track towards flawless skin. Set aside designated mask days, like Mask Monday’s, to make sure you’re maintaining a routine and giving your skin the R&R it needs after a long summer day!

Have any mask maximizing tips of your own? Feel free to comment below or share any of your own photos with us on Instagram @CFashionista! 
