How To Keep Winter Clothes Cool for the Summer

July 11th, 2017 at 2:00am

Most winter clothes are made with thicker materials: wool, leather, fur, fleece, down, etc. Of course, these only come in handy during the winter months. In the heat of the summer, people try and wear lighter materials so they stay cool. But why not try and make winter materials cool for the summer?

First off, who actually likes switching their wardrobe from winter clothes to summer clothes every spring? No one. Living somewhere where you experience a range of temperatures and weather patterns throughout all four seasons can make it a bit tricky when it comes to clothes. With that being said, I’ve learned that some winter clothes and accessories can come in handy in the summer.

Play around with winter materials. You would think you’d have to hide a thick wool winter hat in your dark closet all summer, but heck no. Keep it out, and rock it with some high-waisted shorts and a graphic T-shirt. The same goes for rocking leather in the summer! I paired this edgy-chic outfit with some plain and simple black leather booties. These “winter” materials can add more texture and mood to your outfits.

As far as jewelry goes, I’m always choosing wisely no matter what season it is. Too much can seem to create separations in an outfit, instead of it coming together as a whole. Adding small, dainty jewelry pieces to this outfit helps it pop a little more with the limited use of color. A plain black choker paired with a simple necklace works, as well as a statement ring.

So instead of putting away all of your winter clothes during the summer months, find ways to pair them with different, lighter materials. I mean you probably shouldn’t wear a faux fur coat during the summer, so let’s just make sure we’re being realistic when mixing and matching seasonal clothing.

Do you rock winter clothes in the summer? Let us know on social media, and don’t forget to tag @CFashionista.


  • Shea Costin

    I'm studying communication and studio art, but I have a strong passion for all things fashion and beauty related! Just trying to add a little bit of exuberance everywhere I go.