Plan a Productive Summer Without Going Broke

June 27th, 2017 at 2:00am

Summertime is no different than any other season except you tan, don’t have any assignment due dates, and have an endless amount of time to binge your favorite show on Netflix. Before you know it, it’s the first day of August, and you’re still sitting in your bed in the dark. You get up just to go back to school to hear all about Claire’s fabulous time in Europe, and Kate’s “you-had-to-be-there” family story. You’ll be wishing you had been more productive this summer. Don’t freak, from one shopaholic to the next, I have a few tips that won’t break your bank, but will ensure you have a story-worthy summer.

1—Plan Ahead

With family vacations, day-cations, and weekenders with friends, no matter the trip, plan ahead; it can only help you. For starters, you’ll save a lot more money if you know exactly what you’re paying for. Especially on outfits! You can double wear if you buy multi-wear items, rather than a new fit for every occasion.

2—Free Local Events

Depending on where you are, you might be lucky like me to live in (or near) a town where even when school is out, there’s still free local fun. Grab a friend and hike that very popular spot (impromptu photo shoot, anyone?). There will always be random parades and festivals which are both entertaining and interesting. I went to a Chai tasting event (not random for Chico but definitely enjoyable).


I don’t want to sound like your mother, but if you want to do fun things, you need to make a little money. Summer is totally supposed to be a time to recharge from a long task-oriented semester. However, you should try to make back the money you’re about to blow! Summertime work options are endless; full time (my personal go-to), part-time, a few hours a week; literally anything that’ll put a few bucks in your pocket. Plus, a couple hours of paid productivity will impede on your couch potato activities.

4—Spend Responsibly

Whether you work or not, spend your cash in order of necessity to want. This order may be a little jumbled if your online shopping cart has been full for a few weeks. Guilty! You should always pay bills and get essentials first; you can live without that palette but can you live without conditioner? No! However, don’t forget to treat yourself (sales and clearance only though). Be fly on a budget!

These are just a few ways that I try to save money without locking myself away for three months. Try it out, adjust them to your lifestyle, and don’t forget to document it. If you didn’t take a picture, did it happen? Maybe?

What are tips and tricks you use to save on your lit summer activities? Share in the comments below.
