Can you pinpoint the last time you stepped foot in a zoo? Any New York native will attest the Bronx zoo is a childhood staple. I recently found myself rewinding back old times, tripping here once again (and flooded among the crowds of “fieldtripees”). What lead me toward a brief trip down memory lane? A chance to bring my french friend for her first experiential trip (oh and free admission on Wednesdays doesn’t hurt).
A day filled with walking means lets-be-practical footwear. Personally, I know my go-to’s are unquestionably my leather high-top Vans that I unregretfully live in. At this point my Vans are practically a part of me, with how well-worn perfect fit they’ve morphed. Undoubtedly, I could, and without any trouble, write an ode in dedication to my love of Vans. Don’t think I could more highly recommend a shoe – that’s saying a lot since I’m not the type to just give compliments away.
Summer is slow to warm up our lovely NY this year (or more so weather challenged with an indecisive mother nature to back it) so light layers have been getting me through. I’m not quite ready to let go of my black jeans just yet. A transparent long sleeve also works as an in-between seasonal piece. It’s all paired with my hat, courteous of a Mexico trip a few months back, and a thin button-up coat to throw over when the sun goes into hiding.
Though admittedly, I was shaky in support for the whole sad caged animal dilemma, I was happy to hear the Bronx zoo is paired with a wildlife refugee, WCS. All in all, I’d safely call it a successful trip and a cheap one at that (though I’d hardly discourage donations for the wildlife rescue). Get out to a zoo with a cause and be a kid again.
Show us your favorite outfit to wear to the zoo on social media. Tag @CFashionista.