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ALL IN THE DETAILS: Floral Accents

May 31st, 2017 at 2:06am

I can’t express how happy I am that summer is approaching! Classes and finals are coming to a close and I love nothing more than being able to walk around campus in a pair of shorts! I’ve been wearing and styling jeans for the past five months or so; because of this, it’s not easy to transition into styling shorts. Therefore, you can guess my excitement at spotting this Fashionista who knew exactly how to style her summer look, all the way down to the details.

The first thing that grabbed my attention on this Fashionista is her high-waist shorts, of course! They are a bit unconventional because they zip at the sides instead of the front! It makes for a really interesting detail and helps draw visual lines down her body overall making them very flattering. The blue hue of the denim is paired nicely with a subtle purple top. This Fashionista tucked the top into her shorts to make it ruffle a bit at her waist. This detail brings a feminine and sort of upbeat vibe that is perfect for summer. It’s also a detail that I never have even given thought to doing! I love it! Her light jacket has bold flowers printed all over it, which compliment the color of her top excellently. Overall, this detail balances the look by bringing some visual weight to the upper half of her body. Not only that super chic, but it also contributes to an overall summer theme.

It’s clear that this Fashionista took the time to consider each and every detail. She styled her shorts perfectly and totally inspired me to pay closer attention to details in my wardrobe! Now, I’m looking forward to many warm days full of wearing shorts and not worrying about school! Summer, here I come!
