Ask any girl with a slight interest in fashion and she will agree that collecting bags is like collecting artworks. Hear us out. Both have to be unique while coordinating with your other possessions. Both have to serve a certain purpose as well as create a specific vibe around. In fact, a well constructed handbag takes timeless artistry and craftsmanship.
The handbag star of this season proves all of the above as it is actually a style from the past. In fact, your grandma has been rocking it for decades. The top handle handbag has a very ’60s/’90s vibes that we are never bored of. It’s ladylike, retro, and definitely mini works for art that can also carry all your essentials (or hard candies, if you want to go full granny).
While your grandma is the star of your life, you may be surprised to find her favorite accessory is about to be the star of your spring wardrobe. Check out how we suggest you style it below!
Grandma bags are identified by their classic shapes, top handles, quirky textures or prints, and beautiful detailing. (Photo via @shelbyshowell)
They give any modern outfit a totally unexpected twist making you look super stylish and mature. (Photo via @ohmy_sash)
They take your #OOTD pictures onto another level, so make sure to get a granny Instagram update. (Photo via @elizagracehuber)
Grandma bags are chic, yet very functional as they will get you through most of your day activities from coffee dates, work, and shopping. (Photo via @baileyttaylor)
They are perfect for fashionistas who have old sartorial souls of chicness, playfulness and timelessness. (Photo via @couturecrushrei)