April 6th, 2017 at 2:00am

Everyone has those days where you really just don’t want to get out of bed and get dressed. With this type of morning always comes complications of wanting to “bum it” but to look good at the same time. I have put together a couple of tricks I use to figure out what to wear on these days.

The one big thing that helps me find a happy medium is leggings. Of course, everyone owns a pair, that makes it easy and gives you a great base to work around regarding tops and footwear. The process I went through while deciding my top was based off the weather. Checking the temperature around you is a big must. You never want to have an outfit put together and have it get rained on. Since it was a bit chilly, I decided to go with a good old pullover sweater. This choice made it easier to choose footwear and accessories.

As for footwear, I was and still am obsessed with these sneakers I saw online. After two weeks of refreshing the website, I finally was able to get my hands on a pair. Of all the color options, gray was the best for me and maybe even you. Since the color is very neutral, it can go with a number of your clothing pieces. I paired it with the gray sweater and silver accessories. Finally, what pulls the outfit together is the jacket. Again, with it being a bit cold outside, the second layer of protection is definitely a must. The lazy day outfit is complete. You now look effortless with the least amount of effort.
