
Turns Out Your Pantry Is The Best Medicine Cabinet—And Here's Why!

March 15th, 2017 at 2:00am

Sometimes as much as I want to spend all of my money at Lush or Ulta, my wallet begs me not to. “But I need that lip scrub!” I say to myself, as I lick my lips for the thousandth time. I take a look at my split ends and think maybe treating myself to that $50 conditioner is worth it.

But despite my compulsion to always shop for my beauty needs, I can actually satisfy them right at home. Instead of turning to your favorite retailer to address to a cosmetic concern, maybe consult your spice cabinet first.

DIY Eyelash and Eyebrow Hair Growth: My eyebrows grow in pretty sparse, and every now and then I get a little crazy with the tweezers. In order to promote growth in your eyebrow hair and eyelashes, all you need to do is swipe some castor oil over the fibers before you go to bed. Castor oil increases circulation, strengthens your hair, and will stimulate hair growth. It also has other uses, such as making stretch-marks disappear. You can pick up a bottle at any drug store, and next time you are at Sephora, swipe one of their “one-time use” mascara wands and take it home with you to spread oil on your brows and lashes. You could always use a Q-tip, but I think the wand makes things easier.

DIY Acne Targeting Face Mask: Breakouts happen to everyone, especially when midterms and group projects pile onto daily stressors. The last thing you want to worry about is a spot on your chin when you’re trying to make a presentation, but this at-home face mask can cure that problem. Turn to your pantry and pull out some honey, nutmeg, and cinnamon. This is a natural face mask that will even out your complexion, brighten it a bit, and clear that pesky breakout. Grab a small bowl and pour about two tablespoons of honey inside. Honey is a natural moisturizer and is antibacterial- so it will get rid of those spots. Then sprinkle in a teaspoon each of cinnamon and nutmeg and mix it all together. Cinnamon will dry out existing pimples and reduce bacteria for ones that might try to crop up later. Nutmeg exfoliates and tackles blackheads! Slather on the mask with a clean brush or clean fingers and let it sit for twenty minutes. It may itch a little from the stickiness of the honey but power through! Wash it off and enjoy your fresh skin.

DIY Hair Mask: All you need for this mask is some raw coconut oil. Coconut oil is moisturizing for your hair and scalp, and will help eliminate dandruff and any brittleness. It strengthens your hair and makes it thicker after treatments, eliminating split ends and giving it a healthy shine. If you want to give your mask a better smell, you can mix some essential oils into your coconut oil to add a preferred scent like lavender that will encourage relaxation. Scoop or pour out your coconut oil and work it through your hair, making sure not to load too much at your roots. (This makes it harder to wash it out later, and will keep your hair oily for a few days.) Leave the mask on for a half hour to a full hour and then wash it out in the shower. It may take a few washes to completely get it all out, but the benefits of the oil are worth it. Treat your hair once or twice a week.

DIY Lip Scrub: Are your lips still chapped from the winter? Step into spring with lips ready to sip on some lemonade Beyoncé style with this lip scrub. All you need is that moisturizing honey, white or brown sugar (you pick!) and some olive oil. If you have a small jar to store it in, great. You can keep it in the fridge for a longer shelf life. But if you are looking for a once time use, mixing a little of each ingredient in a bowl is fine. A teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of sugar, and just a dash of oil will give your lips new life for your favorite liquid lipstick application. Brush the scrub over your lips and exfoliate away any dryness.

Do you have any at-home DIY beauty tricks? Let us know in the comments below!
